
Adopta Una Carta (Adopt a Letter) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Buenos Aires, Argentina founded by myself and one of my best friends, Casey Passero. During long afternoons in the office, Casey and I began to wonder how we could give back to the community that had treated us so well since our arrival. With limited financial resources but an ample network of friends, colleagues and business contacts we launched Adopta Una Carta in 2011 with the idea of bringing a better and brighter future to the children of Argentina. While the largest project of the year is near Christmas, we also hold various smaller projects throughout the year. In most cases, we use letters as a means to bring hope and happiness to the children currently interned at the Ricardo Gutiérrez Children’s Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Adopta Una Carta Niño con Auto

While we would love to help out on a much larger scale (see: long-term health solutions, education, etc.), we currently have the possibility to at the very least bring a moment of joy to each child that we come across. Throughout the years, we have been witnesses to situations of great sadness, most without prospect of resolution. Deplorable situations. Situations that we can’t even imagine what it would be like to experience. We know that we aren’t making any radical changes to the world, but we give our time, energy, heart and soul each year so that the children we are fortunate to get to know may have at least one shining moment in the midst of so much hardship.

The website ( is in both Spanish and English, and contains detailed information on the organization and how we make it all possible. We have an awesome team with a positive attitude and are grateful to count on the support of our friends, families and the people of Argentina who have selflessly participated in our projects throughout the years.

Logo design: Johanna Wolf


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