
Amy Van Liew

Be Healthy... Enough. Exercise, Eat Right, Enjoy Life!

After a full, successful career as an engineer with one of the top technology firms in the world, Amy decided to retire early to pursue her real passion– health and fitness. In order to jump start her business, Amy decided that her business would benefit greatly from small business consulting and an all-encompassing digital media strategy.

After learning more about Amy and her goals for her business, we designed a fresh, new logo and color palette that works for her and her target audience. The graphic development process was as calculated and methodical as any good engineer would have it, and we couldn’t be happier with the result. With the logo in place and a redesigned newsletter template put to work, we are currently developing her new website.

Logo design: Maia Aziernicki


Logo Amy Van Liew Amy Van Liew Exercise Eat Right Enjoy Life Color Palette Amy Van Liew Amy Van Liew Newsletter